What is Opera Ghost RPG?

Ever wished you were a character in The Phantom of the Opera? Then come and join us! Opera Ghost RPG is a roleplay-by-email group designed to recreate and expand upon the story of The Phantom of the Opera.

Check out the links below. We have a Facebook Fan page that you can check out for the latest updates. Just joining and want to catch up? We archive all of our posts through Yahoo Groups. Look BELOW to find the link to the archives!

Friday, January 8, 2010

All the King's Horses and All the King's Men

In this thread, the mute youth, Ree, has come upon a mysterious man in the cellars of the Opera. Repairs to the magnificent building are underway, and Erik has been making some repairs and adjustments of his own.


In this thread, Madame Giry and Erik have contrived a plot whereby Meg's fantasies of the "romantic masked hero" (as she apparently thinks of Erik) will be shattered forever. They put on a convincing performance...but how much does Erik really perform? Does he still truly lust to kill, and is his sense of the line between right and wrong blurred forever? What will Meg think of him now?

Tune in to our group list and find out!